Opening Vacancy 2024
Personal Information Collection Statement Pertaining to Recruitment 有關招聘的個人資料收集聲明
- The personal data provided by you ("Data") will be used by Sing Tao Management Services Limited (the "Company"), a subsidiary of Sing Tao News Corporation Limited and all subsidiary companies of Sing Tao News Corporation Limited (collectively, the "Group") for recruitment purpose.
閣下提供之個人資料(以下簡稱「資料」)只用作Sing Tao Management Services Limited(以下簡稱「本公司」),星島新聞集團有限公司的附屬公司,及星島新聞集團有限公司的所有附屬公司(以下統稱「本集團」)招聘之用。
- The Data held by the Company will be kept confidential but the Company may provide the Data to other departments/persons or other subsidiary companies of the Group for the purpose of recruitment and all purposes related thereto.
本公司收集所得的資料均會保密處理。然而 閣下之資料有可能轉介至本集團其他部門或人士或本集團其他附屬公司作招聘或相關目的之用。
- If you are employed, the Data will be used for the arrangement and administration of payroll, insurance, MPF, human resources planning, appraisal, and all matters related thereto.
- If you are employed, the Data may be provided to any agent or third party service provider who provides employees' benefit for the Group.
- If you are employed, the Data may be provided to any organization which has business connection with you in the course of discharging your job duties.
閣下被正式聘用後,所有資料會運用及轉介予 閣下履行公司委派職務時的對外連繫機構。
- You have a right not to provide any Data to the Company. However, failure to provide adequate and accurate Data may influence the possibility and outcome of your application.
閣下可以拒絕提供任何資料予本公司,唯 閣下受聘之機會可能會因資料不齊全或不準確而受到影響。
- You have the right not to allow the Company to take copy of your Data.
- The Company will request you to present your I.D. Card for identification. The Company will not make copy of your I.D. Card unless and until your application is accepted by the Company and upon commencement of your service with the Company.
本公司會向 閣下索取身份証以核對身份資料。除獲正式聘用及在到職時,公司並不會影印 閣下之身份証。
- If you are not informed of the result of this interview within six weeks thereof, your application shall be regarded as unsuccessful and all Data will be destroyed after 6 months thereof.
由是次面試日期起計六個星期內,倘 閣下未有接獲任何受聘通知,則是次申請視為落選,而 閣下之資料會在六個月內被銷毀。
- If you are employed, your Data will be destroyed after 7 years from the date of the termination of your employment. Such Data are required for your residual employment-related activities in relation to including, but not limited to: the provision of job references; processing applications for re-employment matters and retirement benefits and allowing us to fulfill contractual or statutory obligations.
閣下被正式聘用後, 閣下之資料會在終止僱傭日期起計之七年後被銷毀。該等資料為處理 閣下的僱傭事務所需的資料,當中包括(但不限於):提供工作表現評價;處理前僱員的重新聘用申請及申請退休福利的事宜,以及方便本公司履行合約上或法定責任。
- You have the right to access to the Data and make correction thereof and to the information regarding the Company's policies and practices on the personal data of its employees. Any enquiries shall be made to Human Resources Department by email to or by mail to Sing Tao Management Services Limited, 3/F, Sing Tao News Corporation Building, 7 Chun Cheong Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong.
閣下要求查閱或更改資料,必須依循本公司之資料查閱程序,有關詳情可透過電郵 或郵寄至香港新界將軍澳工業邨駿昌街七號星島新聞集團大廈3樓向 Sing Tao Management Services Limited 人力資源部查詢。
- The Group is entitled to enforce the terms of this Declaration pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Save as aforesaid, any person or entity who is not a party to this Declaration shall have no right under this Policy or the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce any terms of this Declaration. The rights of the Company to terminate, rescind, waive, amend, vary or settle under or relating to this Declaration, or any term of this Declaration, are not subject to the consent of any third party (including but not limited to the Group).
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